Herbal Consultations



Herbal Consultations:

Working with an herbalist is a wonderful way to empower your healing journey and receive guidance and support. A 90-minute initial consultation is recommended for all new clients. This initial session includes a look at your total health history and health goals. A complete review of symptom patterns, lifestyle, nutrition, and emotional/mental/spiritual health patterns will be explored. 

When you meet with me, you will be heard. I will encourage you to share your story and your perception of why you’re feeling unwell. 

In general, I recommend a follow-up consultation two-weeks after you begin taking your herbal formula/s. Your follow-up consultation will allow you to check in regarding your progress and will give you an opportunity to reflect on your healing journey. During the follow up we may decide to modify your formula or dosage and I will coach you through the next phase of the herbal journey.

Most clients will be recommended to stay on an herbal formula for 3-6 months depending on the nature of the imbalance and how chronic the pattern is. My  goal is to help your body heal so you can ease off of your herbal formulas and let the healing power of nature take the reins!

When you come in for an herbal consultation:

  1. Your initial visit will take the form of a 90 minute consultation. You’re welcome to record your appointment or bring an advocate to take notes for you.

  2. We will discuss your current medications, supplements, and over the counter drugs you take.

  3. We will discuss any lab reports from the last 2 years. 

  4. We will discuss a list of any allergies you have.

  5. We will discuss a list of any surgeries you've had.

  6. We will discuss any doctor, nurse practitioner, herbalist, acupuncturist, chiropractor, osteopath, massage therapist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist or other health care practitioner you've seen in the last two years.

  7. You are welcome to bring an advocate with you; it's often very useful to have someone who knows you well help with answering questions and with going over points of our visit with you when you get home.





Please expect to wait 1-3 weeks for an appointment. If you have an emergency situation, please go to your local emergency room or urgent care facility.    

Available Appointments:                                   

  • Mondays & Fridays

  • 10:30, 12:30, 2:30

  • via Zoom         

Fee Schedule
Initial Herbal Consultation Services (90-minutes): $75-100 (sliding scale)

Follow-Up Herbal Consultation Service (60-minutes): $60-90 (sliding scale)

30 Minute Check In: $45-60 (sliding scale): A quick 30 minute check in is good for acute conditions, colds, or for quick check-ins. These check ins can be done in person or via Skype.


  • Fees do not include cost of herbal formula/s

  • When scheduling your appointment, you will be asked to provide a credit card number to guarantee your appointment.

  • The card will be charged if you fail to report for your appointment without a 24 hour notice:

If given 24 Hour Notice - no charge will be applied
Less than 24 hour notice - 50% charge
No Notice - 100% charge ($100 for initial visits; $80/hr for follow-ups)
  • Everyone’s time is precious. Clients are seen punctually at their appointed time. If you are late for your appointment, your appointment will end at the scheduled time and you will be charged for the full appointment. If you are more than 20 minutes late, your appointment may be cancelled and you may be charged as a no-show.




More about Kimberly Jean DeLisio
She started her journey as a healer as a Registered Nurse where she practiced emergency medicine for years at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh's Intensive Care Unit, treating a wide range of patients ranging from trauma, multi-visceral transplant, medical-surgical, orthopedic, hematology/oncology, and congenital conditions. Her own path turned towards holistic and herbal medicine after contracting Lyme Disease in western PA where she as worked on several organic vegetable and medicinal herb farms.

She relocated to Southern Oregon to join the herbal community and further her own herbal practice, including completing the herbaculture program at Herb Pharm in Williams, Oregon. Kimberly has studied directly under Alexis Durham lead herbalist at Herb Pharm, Sajah Popham of Organic Unity spagyrics, Pearl Sites and Tyler Wauters of Hawthorn Institute, amongst many others. Kim, in recent years, started and directed several large scale commercial herbal apothecaries for community retailers on both the West and East coast, with close working knowledge of over 300+ botanicals. She currently sits on the Editorial Review Board for the Journal of the American Herbalists Guild

Kimberly's keen listening skills, clarity, and intuitive abilities play a major role in helping clients work through the discovery process that is an integral part of everyone's healing. Her scope of practice includes herbalism, aromatherapy, flower essences, and spiritual counseling.